Why Moby? - Scaling your insurance

Our vision is to provide end to end automated insurance service, where your task is only to invent your new products. We will bring it to life.

Let your partners work for you

Moby is open. Your business partners can connect their IT infrastructure via the Moby service interfaces.

Automate your business

We believe that insurance processes can work without boring manual tasks. Moby provides the toolkit.

Catch the extra business opportunities

Moby is flexible. You can target the special insurance areas.

Time to market

Moby provides you the toolkit to build your fast moving insurance products.


The business runs round the clock. Moby won’t rest. Our batch processes operate during open hours

Low costs

Moby doesn’t need additional infrastructure licenses or special hardware. It can operate in the cloud as well.

What is IaaS, Insurance as a Service?

  • You bring your product idea - we implement the necessary processes and infrastructures
  • We use state-of-the-art technology to set up and operate the entire infrastructure of your insurance product (Moby, Hammy and portals)
  • Costs can be calculated due to the usage based fee schema

Who is this solution good for?

  • For insurance companies and insurance brokers, claims expert companies and assistance providers
  • If you don't have enough in-house development capacity (IT or other experts) for the new product
  • If you do not want to make large investments
  • If you need modern technology
  • If you have an embedded or niche product line and need to integrate these with your partners' IT solutions

Moby modules

Each module of the application is an independent unit, responsible for handling the tasks of a single subdo- main of the insurance field.


Partner Module

The Partner Module is connected to almost every other system component, as in this module are all the partner related data stored, be they contractually insured partners, damage experts related to claim cases or the system users themselves. The data model contains the most common partner details, be they natural or legal persons. The validation framework ensures the data quality by various validation processes.

Application / Policy

Application / Policy Module

The Moby Policy Module provides comprehensive policy management which includes fee calculation, policy data validation and the support of the whole policy lifecycle (fee calculation - proposal - policy, with versioned data storage).

To facilitate the integration with external partners, the calculations as well as the printing and validating functions of the products created in the Policy Module will also be accessible through web services.

To manage the specific data sets and processes of the individual products, the framework needs to be customized. The Moby Configuration Module makes this customization easier by providing comprehensive configurability for the whole system. This enables launching simple insurance products at no extra development cost.

Case Management

Case Management Module

The Moby Case Module provides general case management. Besides setting the most common data (related partners, addresses, bank accounts, etc.), it is also possible to configure (without extra development) and use different fields for each case types, and to create hierarchical relationships between cases.

The Case Module can also cooperate with the workflow engine of the Workflow Module to create unique workflows. Each user has a dedicated task list where he can access the tasks assigned to him.


Claim Module

The Claim Module supports a range of products and claim types which is flexibly expandable, should it be required. The claim management process can include insurance checking, form letter generation and delivery, reserve creation and multi-level authenticated payments made on the debit of reserves. The Configuration Module enables defining various claim and subclaim types, required and optional documents both on the level of claim type and subclaim type, the selectable causes of loss and perils and claim limits and deductibles of different modalities, just as subfile types of claim payments.


Commission Module

By default the Commission Module calculates by fix or percentage type commission rules - be they onetime or recurring commissions -, which can be parameterized as needed on the product, modality, agent, sales channel or on the individual policy level. The user of the system is free to define the subfiles of the commission payments, the base of calculation, just as the conditions of creating and paying and reversing and splitting commissions. Commission closing can be performed on any optional date or subfile type.

Commission items can be marked as payable on an agent level. Authorization of commission closings are governed by the Moby Authorization Engine. The module serves both insurance and brokerage needs.


Finance Module

The Finance Module is responsible for calculating and creating written premium of policies, handling of invoices and incoming and outgoing payments, and for the general ledger closing procedure. The authorization of outgoing payments are governed by the Moby Authorization Engine.

Customer Communication Management (Hammy)

Customer Communication Management (HAMMY)

Moby provides extensive internal and external communication. Other e-mail client applications can prove dispensable for administrators as they can rely on Moby's comprehensive e-mail support. E-mail delivery and bounce message management is done by Hammy, DBX's e-communications solution.

Main features of Hammy:

  • Omni-channel customer communication
  • Template-based document generation
  • Electronic document storage

More on Hammy3.com

Customer Voices

"Our strategic target is to build a service-oriented IT architecture. Moby is a perfect brick in this construction."

Károly Kerepesi

Director of Operations and IT at AEGON Hungary

"We built a fresh, new brand with fast-moving, innovative products. We needed a flexible core architecture to support our business goals."

János Kenesei

Executive Member of the Board at Magyar Posta Biztosító

08.04.2022. 11AM | Porosz Péter

Insurance Ecosystems: an intriguing speech under an abstract title

Mr. Sándor Székely, managing director of DBX used imaginary from Middle Earth (i.e. The Lord Of The Rings universe) at the Portfolio Insurance 2022 conference, to shed light on the future of the insurance industry.

18.11.2021. 4PM | Porosz Péter

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - presented at the annual conference the Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies

The Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies held its 11th annual international conference on November 4th 2021 in Budapest. The leading theme of the event was Future-Proof Insurance. Speakers shed light onto some of the most intriguing trends in this domain. DBX is a long standing parner of the Associations and also the largest local IT knowledge center in the field. CEO Sándor Székely Sándor talked about The Good, the Bad and the Ugly among the IT trends that the industry has to cope with.

10.06.2021. 10AM | Porosz Péter

Remaining Personal During Digitalisation

What experiences have business professional gathered when they found themselves in a customer role? Is customer service truly the in center of the insurance practice? Are the boundaires of digital and personal meetings really clear? What is the scope of competence of artifical intelligence? Is there such a thing as insurance without human contact?

On May 19th we have held a roundtable with more than 100 people attending in the audience, titled "Remaining Personal During Digitalisation".

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